SUPPORTING Small Business and the US government with


A Freelance Marketplace

The "on-demand economy" is taking off. We've created unique platform for small businesses and the government to leverage, a peer-to-peer marketplace for the national and private security sectors

A Virtual Community

What started with a  LinkedIn group in 2008 became a vibrant professional network with several LinkedIn subgroups, a global Internship Program, and a members-only social website.  Our goal has been to solve a number of problems identified in the 9-11 Commission Report through a grassroots movement to "put community back into the Intelligence Community".  Everyone acknowledges that there are stovepipes and rice bowls.  Everyone knows that we need to collaborate.  We help foster the relationships that can prevent the next national or international disaster.

A Crowdsourcing Solution

We've been running a few experiments, the first of which has been to publish for the community by the community with crowdsourced eBooks on Amazon.  We've done a few and have several more in the pipeline.  One of the most interesting things about the experiment was the diversity of people wanting to be involved.  The crowd we have assembled represents huge potential for the US Intelligence Community to source important information in real time all around the world.

A Job Seeker Resource

Since we evolved from a LinkedIn group, many of our members are active or passive job seekers.  We've hosted a number of job seeker happy hours which promote informal networking with recruiters in national security.  We have also launched career counseling services, interview prep consulting, and published an eBook on "Hacking the Job Search" all with the goal of helping those in the national security job market find the right vocation.

A Clearinghouse for National Security Services

We receive frequent requests from companies who have products and services specific to the national security sector.  They understand that partnering with us allows them to remain relevant within the rapidly growing grassroots TIC network.  

A Social Media Consultancy

We see a lot of LinkedIn profiles, many of which are mediocre.  While there is a general sense among many national security professionals that social media is for the next generation, the reality is that those who don't understand the power of new networking tools will be left behind.  Business development and career transition both require personal branding. It isn't anything new really, just a digital version of a confident handshake and putting your best foot forward. We can help you present a professional image in the digital workplace or advise your your military transition.

A Small Business Incubator

In addition to partnering with a number of affiliates, we are also currently launching several individuals in our network in their own endeavors.  Check out our affiliate list and if you have a business idea and would like mentorship, referrals to venture capital resources, introductions to business accelerators or to chat about launching your business under the TIC banner, let us know.

A Global, Virtual FELLOWS & ASSOCIATES Program

Most internship programs require you to move somewhere, work long hours and get paid peanuts.  We are running a unique program where you can be involved remotely for as little as an hour a week by producing helpful analysis in our online communities, helping to write and edit eBooks on current events, serving as a public relations liaison to various companies and organizations, and other interesting projects.  Our Fellows and Associates live all over the globe and we currently have over 200 in the program.  Find out more here and join them.


TIC conducts regular outreach to its member base with news, offers, events and opportunities.  As a media company, TIC offers you the ability to conduct targeted recruiting and drive highly relevant traffic to your organizational links and calls to action.  To take advantage of this service, all you need to do is become a sponsor. Read more about current sponsors HERE. For questions about sponsorship, call 1-800-619-7650




Recruiting Events (live and virtual)

TIC hosts regular job seeker happy hours and is currently planning its first virtual career fair.  These events have been quite popular because they attract highly motivated job seekers and provide an extended amount of time to build rapport with recruiters when compared to traditional job fairs.  TIC is also able to run a tailored job seeker event, either live or virtual, for your organization.  Contact us to request a quote.

Intern Referrals

TIC operates a virtual Fellows and Associates program, managing upwards of 200 volunteers around the globe.  Many of these volunteers are college students, veterans, transitioning professionals and others who are looking for a new career opportunity.  They are all vetted and interviewed in advance in order to be accepted into the program.  TIC has been able to refer many of these individuals to competitive positions either pro bono or for a referral fee, depending on the market. Contact us to request a referral.

Freelancer Marketplace

TIC has launched a peer-to-peer marketplace for hiring national security and intelligence freelancers.  This has direct implications for how small businesses will be able to rapidly adapt to government RFPs.  Additionally, we are building enterprise solutions so that government agencies can partner directly with TIC to crowdsource information, build ad hoc analyst teams, conduct focus groups, and many other tasks in a more dynamic way than ever before.  TIC has already been awarded with agency funding based on its ability to provide crowdsourcing options.  Contact us to find out how your agency or company could also benefit.

Tailored Staffing Services

TIC has been included in several government contract proposals as a staffing service and we would be happy to discuss with you the option of full time support to your organization in order to guarantee a robust and well qualified response to your recruitment efforts.


D&B  078825693 | CAGE # 6WTF7 | NAICS 561611, 561612, 611699, 928110

A US Veteran Owned Business

