
Our online community portal,, features the latest government, military and technological news, posted daily to keep you fully up to date on the key issues of the moment. There are in-depth articles on a wide range of topics, plus incisive insights from our expert contributors. The state-of-the-art portal also has hot links to its database of stories, IDGA’s impressive lineup of training events, the advertising Media Kit and a shortcut to sign up for the site and become a member.

By signing up to become a member of, you get access to all the popular features of the site, including videos, podcasts and webinars. Through the website, members are able to extend their live event experience and interact with leading figures by leveraging the opportunity to network, share ideas, best practices and business solutions.

Our online community newsletters are delivered to the inbox of members twice a week, enabling them to remain at the forefront of change within a wide range of industries, along with special members-only discounts for live events.

As a strategic partner with The Intelligence IDGA offers 20% discount for private sector members of The Intelligence Community, free passes for public sector members of The Intelligence Community to many IDGA events.