Kate Cook, professional actor and job interview coach

Kate Cook, professional actor and job interview coach

Do you want a job, but not just any job?  Are you certain of your qualifications and your passions, but not sure why you aren’t landing the job?  Do interviews feel like a mysterious and awkward test on someone else’s turf?  Kate Cook will help you break through.  Interviews aren’t about jumping through the hoops, but rather, transcending the game.  She can show you how.

This is a new service for TIC Members - prices are introductory and subject to change based on demand.


Do you want a job, but not just any job?  Are you certain of your qualifications and your passions, but not sure why you aren’t landing the job?  Do interviews feel like a mysterious and awkward test on someone else’s turf?

Kate Cook will help you break through.  Interviews aren’t about jumping through the hoops, but rather, transcending the game.  She can show you how.

So, what makes Kate different? 

Kate’s a classically trained actor.  She’s spent twelve years performing, coaching, and teaching in the arts, both onstage and on camera.  She auditions for a living, and an audition is simply a job interview, condensed and intensified.  Which means, Kate knows what works.

Kate will equip and empower you buy maximizing both your content and your style, so that you can navigate the job market boldly and with confidence.  Together you’ll assess the specifics of your communication style, your content delivery, and your general perspective, helping you to identify what’s at the heart of each business interaction, and making you a more effective applicant in today’s market.

One session serves as a basic assessment.  Sign up for the Premium Package for a more in-depth collaboration.

Invest in the future you.  Get started now.



Are you looking to transfer positions within the government sector, or looking to leave the establishment altogether?  You’ll need a keen understanding of your skill set and how to leverage it.  Do you have that?

This is where Kate Cook comes in. 

Kate is a professional actor.  She works onstage and onscreen, she teaches, and she auditions regularly. An audition is an interview, both condensed and intensified, which means, Kate is literally in the business of first impressions, verbal and non-verbal communication, content management, and landing the job. 

Her process involves hypothesis, testing, reflection, and implementation.  It’s her job to close the gap between intention and execution.

And this is where her power lies.

Kate will help you maximize both your content and your style, equipping you to enter this new phrase of your career with confidence, intelligence, and an actionable strategy. Together you’ll assess the specifics of your communication style, your content delivery, and your general perspective, equipping you to shift your career with ease and confidence.

One session serves as a basic assessment.  Sign up for the Premium Package for a more in-depth collaboration.



You deal with people.  You’re frequently asked to integrate a variety of perspectives and agendas, and you’re good at it.  But there is more to learn: In a world where change in constant, expectations are contextual, and the instructions aren't always crystal clear, you have the chance to read your surroundings and navigate with fluency.

Do you know how you’re really doing?

Let’s up your game.

Meet Kate Cook.  Kate is a professional actress with twelve years of performing, teaching, coaching, and auditioning to her name.  She has performed in twelve hundred seat houses, auditioned in a hotel room the size of a closet, filmed on the beach in the dark and the cold, and collaborated with strangers on deeply personal artistic ventures.  It’s her job to make bold artistic choices in high stakes environments.  This is not a career for the weak, and Kate’s a pro: it’s this very unpredictability that’s made her an expert on the nuances of communication.  She knows what works in a room.  She knows how to play the game, but she also knows how to transcend it.  Which means, she knows how to equip YOU.

Together you’ll assess the specifics of your communication style, your content delivery, and your default perspective, helping you identify what’s at the heart of each business interaction, leaving you sharpened and empowered. 

Get rid of old habits and replace them with better ones.  Enliven your career.

One session serves as a basic assessment.  Sign up for the Premium Package for a more in-depth collaboration.



You’ve gotten this far for a reason. You can deliver.  But are you really in tune with your context?

You spend your time in meetings and you spend your time in one-on-one conversations, that’s where your business happens.  But communication is a slippery fish, and if you aren’t getting feedback, you simply aren’t getting better.

Kate Cook understands that clear communication and finely tuned content are necessary for success.  She is an expert in feedback: her experience and knowledge make her uniquely qualified to assist you.

What does that mean?

Kate’s a classically trained actor with expertise from Shakespeare to Chekhov to sitcom comedy.  She’s spent twelve years performing, coaching, and teaching in the arts.  She’s well versed in the art of the first impression; audition rooms require not simply a solid skill set and knowledge base, but a razor sharp understanding of what the moment requires.  She’s quite literally in the business of high stakes verbal and non-verbal contact, and she’s fierce enough to give you the feedback you need to improve your one-on-one and group communication.

In addition to her work in the theater and on-camera, she’s training in the Alexander Technique (an exciting and universally applicable form of psycho-physical reeducation), studies yoga, travels the world, and hikes as much as possible, most notably Kilimanjaro, where she was the first member of her team to reach the summit.  That’s how she rolls.

How do you roll?  After Kate gives you actionable, specified feedback regarding WHO YOU ARE in your professional context, you’ll be better than ever.
